Thursday, 3 June 2010


I was going to include this brief in my FMP but it was only a very short quick brief and the amount of backup work/development etc wasn't satisfactory so I decided to leave it out of my FMP and just have it as a personal brief that I can then place into my portfolio, I am trying to develop my portfolio so that there is a strong influence if type and image combined throughout.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Design for portfolio...

These are the two pieces of work that are going to go into my portfolio, one being the orginal pattern/doodle that inspired me to create the new type face that people will be able to relate to and the second being the type face that was created and the typographic components that go with the type.
Here they are below:

I am pleased with the outcome of this brief, overall it was a short 2 day brief that was almost a quick experiment but I am pleased with the outcome and it has opened up a new path for me and I really want to try experimenting with type more and develop a whole range of type faces and let it be an on going investigation into type.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Initial drawings/sketches on layout paper.I have filled the gaps in in photoshop, when i was younger i used to do these little doodles and then spend hours colouring in the gaps.

This type face is inspired by the little drawings I used to do when I was younger.
I decided to take away the outer black line, I think it spoils the quality of the shapes adding the black line and it now looks clean and precise. I have concentrated on 3 colours and the reason for this being so that If I was to take it into screen printing it would be quite simple for me to do!This is the start of the type face i have developed using this pattern technique, some of the letters worked perfectly although some need refining and changing to make them more legible and understanding on their own. I could take this type face onto a range of different medias, I could produce posters, tshirt designs, patterns for fabric, wall papers.

These letters above I don't think are working very well, the h,k and n! From getting feedback my peers decided that they weren't very legible on their own which I can see so I need to develop them further.

This is my refined type face, all letters I think are legible and I think I am now ready to start having fun with it!