Initial drawings/sketches on layout paper.I have filled the gaps in in photoshop, when i was younger i used to do these little doodles and then spend hours colouring in the gaps.
This type face is inspired by the little drawings I used to do when I was younger.
I decided to take away the outer black line, I think it spoils the quality of the shapes adding the black line and it now looks clean and precise. I have concentrated on 3 colours and the reason for this being so that If I was to take it into screen printing it would be quite simple for me to do!This is the start of the type face i have developed using this pattern technique, some of the letters worked perfectly although some need refining and changing to make them more legible and understanding on their own. I could take this type face onto a range of different medias, I could produce posters, tshirt designs, patterns for fabric, wall papers.These letters above I don't think are working very well, the h,k and n! From getting feedback my peers decided that they weren't very legible on their own which I can see so I need to develop them further.